Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Peter Sandilands – Young Software Engineer of the Year

Congratulations to Peter Sandilands, who graduated this summer with Honours in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. Peter has won The 2010 Young Software Engineer of the Year Award, presented at a ceremony organised by the trade association ScotlandIS in Edinburgh.

This award, which includes a cheque for £1,500, presented by Andrew Campbell of Sopra Group, and the ScotlandIS Young Software Engineer of the year trophy, is given to the student who has undertaken the best final year software engineering project from amongst all Scottish universities.

Peter's 4th year undergraduate project "Improving the Auditory and Visual Responses in the AIBO Robot", for which he won the prize, was supervised by Prof. Barbara Webb of IPAB, and he is now studying for a Ph.D. in our Institute of Perception Action and Behaviour.

Peter is the eighth Informatics student to win one of these prestigious awards:
2010First prizePeter SandilandsBSc. Hons. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
2009First prizeMichal BartosikBEng. Hons. Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering
2007First prizeHui SunBEng. Hons. Software Engineering
2006First prizeNicholas O’SheaBSc. Hons. Computer Science
2003First prizeTim AngusBSc. Hons. Computer Science
2000First prizeWill BrysonBSc. Hons. Computer Science
1999First prizeEdward KnoweldenBSc. Hons. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
1998Second prizeHugh LeatherBSc. Hons. Computer Science

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