Best paper award for Iain Whiteside
For more about the conference, see
Labels: best paper
Public News and Announcements Blog from the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh.
Labels: best paper
Congratulations to Peter Sandilands, who graduated this summer with Honours in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. Peter has won The 2010 Young Software Engineer of the Year Award, presented at a ceremony organised by the trade association ScotlandIS in Edinburgh.
This award, which includes a cheque for £1,500, presented by Andrew Campbell of Sopra Group, and the ScotlandIS Young Software Engineer of the year trophy, is given to the student who has undertaken the best final year software engineering project from amongst all Scottish universities.
Peter's 4th year undergraduate project "Improving the Auditory and Visual Responses in the AIBO Robot", for which he won the prize, was supervised by Prof. Barbara Webb of IPAB, and he is now studying for a Ph.D. in our Institute of Perception Action and Behaviour.
2010 | First prize | Peter Sandilands | BSc. Hons. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science |
2009 | First prize | Michal Bartosik | BEng. Hons. Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering |
2007 | First prize | Hui Sun | BEng. Hons. Software Engineering |
2006 | First prize | Nicholas O’Shea | BSc. Hons. Computer Science |
2003 | First prize | Tim Angus | BSc. Hons. Computer Science |
2000 | First prize | Will Bryson | BSc. Hons. Computer Science |
1999 | First prize | Edward Knowelden | BSc. Hons. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science |
1998 | Second prize | Hugh Leather | BSc. Hons. Computer Science |
Labels: award, number one, prize, sandilands, scotlandIS, young software engineer
... even this cloud has a silver lining
We have three unexpected, but most welcome visitors. They are all marooned in Edinburgh, at the pleasure of the winds and the volcano, following the ACM-BCS Visions conference last week. They have visitor offices in the Forum, for the duration. Please make them feel at home.
Barbara Liskov (IF 3.23), from the Programming Methodologies Group in CSAIL at MIT.
Barbara's interests include programming methodology, distributed computing, programming languages, and operating systems.
Jon Kleinberg (IF 3.20), from Cornell University.
Jon works on the social and information networks that underpin the Web and other on-line media.
Kenneth Anderson (IF 5.15), from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Ken is works on crisis informatics, software architecture, scientific workflow, scientific data management, web application frameworks and REST-based Web services.
In particular, Ken is currently working on Widescale Computer-Mediated Communication in Crisis Response—how apt.
Labels: Anderson, ash, Eyjafjallajokull, Kleinberg, Liskov, visitors, Volcano
Labels: bayesian, jordan, nonparametric
Labels: edinburgh, forum, informatics, snow, winter
This talk will illustrate a fundamental feature of informatics that explains its relevance to every academic discipline, namely the role of computing and digital information technologies and ideas in accelerating discoveries and creating knowledge totally inaccessible without them.
The impact of informatics on the academy will be large, changing how we create, preserve and disseminate knowledge - that's the core university mission. This centrality to the university's mission increases demand for education in this field that serves the needs of all students. It requires us to teach broad computational thinking and create a basis for life-long learning in this rapidly changing field.
This lecture is supported by SICSA and IDEA lab Edinburgh.
Labels: computational, constable, idea, informatics, sicsa, thinking
Labels: Honorary, Professor, Wayne Davies
on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so much better.That's how to say it (ignoring the punctuation error — the missing comma after work): not a bunch of evasive mumbling about how unfortunate it all was, but a simple "We're sorry."
Labels: Honorary Professor
HRH The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh presented the Chancellor's Award for Teaching to John Lee at a gala dinner in the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
John Lee has led development of a system known as "YouTute", supported by a grant from the Principal's e-Learning Fund (2007-8). In this system, video recordings of tutorial discussions are made available to students. The recordings of entire tutorials (from two cameras and a Smartboard) are streamed in an online environment in which students can extract "virtual clips" from the videos, annotate, tag and comment these, share them, and keep them for future reference. The videos are presented accompanied by the tutorial question sheets and, where appropriate, solutions, as well as the relevant lecture slides. This creates a new kind of learning resource, around which the students can develop a collaborative learning activity that will promote reflection, deepen understanding, and add significantly to the value of the original tutorial experience. Students can also observe different approaches to particular problems (and to teaching and learning) as revealed in different tutorial groups' discussions.
A robust prototype system is currently being trialled in Informatics, with great potential also for use in many other areas of the University. Over 50 tutorials were recorded in AY 2007-8 from Informatics 2A/B,which have been made available to all second year Informatics students since then (nearly 400 students). The system was especially appreciated by resit students revising during the summer, who used the system for over 50 hours, suggesting that it may be very helpful for the slower learners.
Collection of tutorials continues. The next step is to integrate recordings of lectures, which are increasingly captured in many subject areas, allowing these also to be re-used in a much more flexible and substantial way. The system is also the focus of research to assist students further by developing automated means of indexing and tagging the videos, exploiting methods developed in existing Informatics research on multi-party meetings.
YouTute exploits vicarious learning, which is learning from exposure to the learning experiences of others. John Lee has a long history of working to develop innovative ways of exploiting the concept of vicarious learning. He has been investigating this idea, with collaborators, in a series of projects since 1995, funded by EPSRC, ESRC, and the Teaching and Learning Research Programme — the recent Principal's e-Learning Fund grant has enabled a sharper focus on application to be added to this work. There is clear evidence that vicarious learning has substantial benefits for motivation and attitude as well as discussion skills and learning strategies. Research elsewhere also suggests that vicarious learners learn better if they collaborate with each other. It is to exploit these benefits, and also to evaluate subject-specific learning in much more detail, that practical application has become the focus, leading to the current YouTute deployment.
John has been keen to promote innovations in teaching for many years. 10 years ago, in what is now the School of Arts, Culture and Environment, he co-developed the highly successful MSc in Design and Digital Media. He introduced teaching of web design and technologies at a very early stage, and continues to teach these and direct this programme. In his seconded position in Informatics, he was the founding course organiser of the pioneering Informatics Entrepreneurship courses, one of which has also been adapted for use in Design and Digital Media.
Labels: award, chancellor, congratulations, learning, lee, vicarious, youtute
I am delighted to announce the appointment of Vijayanand Nagarajan to a lectureship in Informatics, funded by the Numerical Algorithms and Intelligent Software Centre.
Vijay 's research interests lie in the areas of compilers, computer architecture and software engineering. He plans to work within ICSA on problems that span these areas. He plays cricket, violin and electric guitar.
Vijay received his MS degree in Computer Science from the University of Arizona in 2005. He spent the summer of 2006 as a research intern at the Intel Programming Systems Laboratory, and has studied for his PhD under the direction of Prof. Rajiv Gupta, in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Riverside. His dissertation proposes an efficient and programmable runtime monitoring approach for multicores, which can be used to increase the performance and reliability of parallel programs running on such architectures.
Vijay expects to defend his PhD in August 2009, and will then join the school in October.
Labels: appointment, informatics, lectureship, NAIS, Vijay Nagarajan
I am delighted to announce that Dr Guido Sanguinetti will join the School of Informatics on 1st August, as a SICSA lecturer.
Guido received his MSc (Laurea) in Physics in his native Genova, and then pursued a D.Phil. in Mathematics at the University of Oxford, working on algebraic and differential geometric methods to solve nonlinear differential equations.
After two years as a professional musician, he returned to research in 2004 as a postdoc and then a lecturer in Computer Science in Sheffield. His main research interests lie in reverse engineering dynamical systems governed by sets of (stochastic) differential equations, with a particular focus on applications in systems biology.
Guido will take a leave of absence to allow him to complete some projects at Sheffield, but he plans to make several extended visits to Edinburgh before moving to Scotland in 2010.
Labels: appointment, edinburgh, informatics, sanguinetti, sheffield, sicsa
Congratulations to "Phil Wadler on his election as Chair of SIGPLAN 2009-2012
Phil says, "Programming languages stand poised to take centre stage, as the web and multicores push distributed and concurrent computing to the forefront."
Rod has made deep, seminal contributions to the design of programming languages and the field of program verification. These contributions, which many of us now take for granted, include the introduction of algebraic datatypes coupled with pattern-matching clausal function definitions as found in Hope, ML, Haskell and Coq; the generalization and use of structural induction for proving properties of programs; the fold-unfold method for deriving efficient, provably-correct programs from easy to understand prototypes; mechanisms for reasoning about pointer-based, imperative programs that directly led to the development of separation logic; proof techniques and connections to modal logic for reasoning about concurrent programs; and the use of dependent types and algebraic specifications for constructing module systems that directly influenced SML and OCaml. Through these amazing contributions and his collaborations and mentorship, he helped build one of the most important centers of programming research at Edinburgh, which was eventually institutionalized as the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science.
Labels: achievement, award, Burstall
Amin's paper, A better algorithm for random k-SAT will receive the Best Paper Award of ICALP 2009, Track A.
The award will be conferred at the EATCS General Assembly on Tuesday, July 7
Labels: best paper, Coja-Oghlan, ICALP
I am delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Charles Sutton to a SICSA lecturership in the School of Informatics.
Charles has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, since 2007. His recent work has aimed at new statistical machine learning methods designed to aid the management of large-scale computer systems. In particular, he has developed methods for performance modeling that are rooted in machine learning, applying them to the control, visualization, and diagnosis of distributed Web applications. More generally, his research interests include machine learning, graphical models, approximate inference, structured prediction, natural language processing, and the application of machine learning methods to computer systems. Charles received his PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2008. His thesis work concerned efficient training methods for conditional random fields, with applications in natural language processing.
Labels: appointment, berkeley, charles sutton, edinburgh, informatics, machine learning
I am delighted to announce that Dr Iain Murray will join the School of Informatics on 1st August, as a SICSA lecturer and a member of the Institute of Adaptive and Neural Computation.
Iain received MA and MSci degrees in Natural Sciences (Physics) from the University of Cambridge before obtaining a PhD from the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College London. His thesis introduced a range of new 'Markov chain Monte Carlo' algorithms for solving integrals in hard statistical inference problems. While at Gatsby Iain also developed strong interests in probabilistic modelling and efficient algorithms for solving inference problems.
Partly supported by a Canadian Commonwealth Research Fellowship, Iain moved to Toronto in 2007 and joined the Machine Learning group there as a postdoctoral fellow. He has continued to expand the applicability of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for statistical applications, such as the evaluation of large-scale probabilistic models. Iain has also formed collaborations to apply and extend hierarchical Bayesian methods. Recent application areas include understanding human perception and inferring celestial dynamics.
Iain will take a leave of absence to allow him to complete his Fellowship in Toronto, but he plans to make several extended visits to Edinburgh before moving to Scotland in 2010.
Labels: appointment, edinburgh, gatsby, iain murray, informatics, monte carlo
Congratulations to Peter Buneman on his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society.
A total of eleven past and present distinguished Edinburgh informaticians have been elected to this fellowship. Of these, Peter Buneman, Robin Milner and Gordon Plotkin are current members of the School.
Peter Buneman is distinguished for his advances in uniting programming languages and databases. On the theoretical side this has involved new results in types, monads and structural recursion including (with his student Ohori) type inference for record types, and (with Tannen et al) results that demonstrated a tight connection between monad-based languages and those based on the predicate calculus. On the application side, he used these techniques to demonstrate that -- contrary to an assertion by the US Department of Energy -- queries on existing non-relational genomic databases could be directly evaluated; fruitful collaboration with biologists ensued.
This research on databases and languages carries over into his recent study of the principles of semistructured or "web-like" data of which he is a leading proponent, and co-author of the first text book in this new field. Another recent concern is with the provenance of data on the Web, where data is continually copied and transformed. Already, with Khanna et al. he has built an efficient archiving system for scientific databases; more fundamentally, he seeks a formal basis for tracing provenance.
In addition to his work in databases, Buneman's early work on mathematical phylogeny underlies most modern phylogenetic reconstruction techniques.
Labels: buneman, edinburgh, FRS, informatics
I am delighted to announce that Robin Milner is returning to the University of Edinburgh, part-time. He will be a SICSA Advanced Research Fellow and will hold the Chair of Computer Science.
Robin Milner graduated from Cambridge in 1958. After short posts he joined the University of Edinburgh in 1973, where he co-founded the Laboratory for Foundation of Computer Science in 1986. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1988, and in 1991 won the ACM's A.M. Turing Award. He joined Cambridge University in 1995, headed the Computer Laboratory there for four years, and retired in 2001. His research achievements (often joint) include: the system LCF, a model for many later systems for interactive reasoning; Standard ML, an industry-scale but rigorously based programming language; the Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS); the Pi Calculus.
Currently he works on Bigraphs, a topographical model which aims to provide a theoretical foundation for mobile interactive systems. Cambridge University Press has just published The Space and Motion of Communicating Agents, Robin's book on this area.
Robin will be giving a short course on bigraphs in Edinburgh on May 13th and 14th 2009. So that we can keep track of numbers, please sign up for the course at (password is milner).
Labels: appointment, bigraphs, computation, edinburgh, forum, informatics, milner, mobility, model, sicsa, ubiquitous